Inspiration 9 1

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From a newborn baby stuck in a drain pipe to a giant snake choking out its owner, 9-1-1 featured some insane emergencies in its series premiere. Ryan Murphy's Fox drama follows emergencies from the 9-1-1 call all the way to their resolution in some cases, all told through the eyes of three emergency responders. But the most gripping part of the series premiere didn't have anything to do with the first responders themselves. It was the fact that 9-1-1's emergencies are based on actual 9-1-1 calls that was the most shocking, as some of the incidents didn't even seem possible.

Inspiration 9 1

While the emergencies vary from week to week, 9-1-1 has three main characters that remain constant throughout the series: Friday Night Lights favorite Connie Britton plays 9-1-1 call dispatcher Abby Clark, Parenthood alum Peter Krause plays firefighter Bobby Nash, and American Horror Story alum Angela Bassett plays LAPD officer Athena Grant. The procedural may sound predictable enough, but it comes with a fascinating twist: while all three main characters work to de-escalate the same emergencies, they hardly ever if at all interact with each other. And of course, all of their personal lives when they are off the clock are a total mess.

But it's the bonkers emergencies they deal with that are the most entertaining to watch. First came the baby in the pipe: When a stoned guy heard a baby crying in his bathroom wall, he called 9-1-1. But the fire department heard the baby crying too when they arrived on the scene, so it wasn't just a drug-induced hallucination. There was actually a baby stuck in the pipe behind his wall! Yeah, seriously.

Turns out a teen girl gave birth over an open, exposed pipe in a top floor of an apartment building where there was construction, and her father made her abandon the baby in shame. The firefighters cut into the wall, isolated the pipe where the newborn was stuck, and gently pulled him out before sending him to the hospital.

A baby getting flushed down a pipe sounds so wacky that it couldn't possibly be true ... right?! Wrong. In 2013 in China, this. Actually. Happened. '[Creator] Ryan [Murphy] had heard about the baby in the wall from a YouTube clip in China and it actually happened. Isn't it shocking?' executive producer Alexis Martin Woodall tells Bustle. 'And I remember when we were shooting it thinking, 'This actually happened!' There's some crazy stuff that goes on in our world and first responders have a very different life than we have. We want to appreciate them.'

The real-life baby stuck in a pipe was born in secret by a single mother, and survived his rescue attempt. When executive producer Brad Falchuk first heard that story, he became 'obsessed with it for years.'

'If you watch the actual video, which is in Chinese, it's really hard to watch,' he tells Bustle. 'And that baby lived.' But how the story played out onscreen in 9-1-1 wasn't exactly how it happened in real life. The showrunners took the imagery they saw in the YouTube video and crafted their own story.

'The fun of it is, once you have that [story] you then construct, well, what are all the things that can go wrong?' Falchuk says of the storytelling process. 'Coming up with different ways to cause trouble for them is fun. It's the same thing you do on any medical show. Generally what's real is more interesting than what you can make up.'

Another big fan of the baby in a drain pipe story is executive producer Tim Minear, who jokes that while 'it's always great if you can find stuff you can riff off of,' at some point, 'we're going to have to start making up things because that's what they pay us to do.' But he explains that the process the writers came up with for 9-1-1 is to find these real-life crazy stories and then expand on them.

'The baby in a pipe was the genesis for how we're approaching coming up with these cases. We're trying to create viral videos,' Minear says. 'What's the great, amazing, WTF moment you might see on YouTube, in a compilation of ultimate fails or scariest tragedies or things gone wrong? It's harder to find a story in those than you might think.'

And while he promises they aren't just 'pulling things off the internet,' Minear and the other showrunners wanted to bring as much reality into the new procedural as possible. 'That is the inspiration, to try and lean into the social media culture of that instant, 'media is everywhere' and cameras are everywhere,' Minear says. 'People are used to seeing true life events that would make their heads spin.'

Woodall adds that grounding all the emergencies on the new series means that 9-1-1 is 'escapist but still relatable.' 'It's hopeful,' she says. 'Some people are going to die because it's an emergency show, but some people are going to live and you'll see them succeed.' Along with the baby in a drain pipe, the premiere also had a giant snake trying to suffocate its snake-loving owner to death, and the firefighters actually chopped the head off the snake to save her. And you guessed it: that was also inspired by a real-life story.

'The ones in the first episode are all inspired by true stories,' Falchuk promises. 'The real problem we're having is that we've done so much weird sh*t on American Horror Story that sometimes we come up with stuff and it's like, oh no, we just did that.' And while he promises that viewers will see the firefighters fighting actual fires, that's not all they'll be doing.

'Going off and fighting fires is less interesting and something we've seen before,' Falchuk says. 'We're really trying to tell stories we haven't seen before. We wanted to do a network procedural, but our version of it, one that was a little unusual with a twist. It's like Nip/Tuck but a network procedural. We want your jaw to drop.'

Of course, there are also more normal emergencies portrayed on 9-1-1. In the premiere alone, a home invasion was stopped, a little girl's life was saved, a drowning teen was resuscitated, and sadly a woman took her own life before the firefighters could talk her down from the ledge. But Minear promises that more stories like the baby in a drain pipe and the giant snake choking its owner are coming, and they're all based on true stories.

'I will say, without giving away too much, there are in the first five episodes at least five things that you will say, 'Mmm, I don't believe it,' that were all based on something that's true,' he says with a smile. So no matter how crazy things might seem, remember that there are real-life first responders who actually had to deal with these situations. And more often than not, they figured out a way to save the day.

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About the acquisition of Inspiration Maps and Kidspiration Maps

Inspiration 9 Software Download

What does Diagramming App’s acquisition of Inspiration Maps and Kidspiration Maps mean for customers who purchased those iPad apps when they were owned by Inspiration Software?

Currently, the app versions that are in the App Store right now sold under Diagramming Apps are identical to what you have on your devices. We didn’t change the code when we moved the product over to Diagramming Apps. So you don’t need to purchase the new version of the apps from our company if you don’t want to.

However, we do have plans for app updates with new functions in the pipeline for future versions. If you would like to receive the updates when they come available, you will need to purchase the new versions of Inspiration Maps or Kidspiration Maps from the App Store.

How can i try inspiration maps for free?

The preview version of the app is available free of charge in the App Store under the name Inspiration Maps. This version lets you work with up to five documents to create maps, edit and stylize content, transform diagrams to outlines, and preview templates. From inside Inspiration Maps, you can use in-app purchase to upgrade to full function. Or alternatively, if you're purchasing for a larger organization, you can purchase Inspiration Maps VPP from the App Store so you don't have to go through the process of in-app purchase.

Why should i upgrade to full function, or purchase inspiration maps vpp?

Without upgrating, Inspiration Maps shows you what it’s like to create a diagram and outline using all the formatting and brainstorming features of Inspiration Maps. But otherwise, it’s restricted in terms of document management.

Use in-app purchase to upgrade to the full function of Inspiration Maps, or purchase Inspiration Maps VPP from the App Store and you can:

  • Create (and delete) unlimited documents (the Lite version limits you to five)

  • Open Inspiration Maps documents delivered via email, Dropbox or Google Docs

  • Download and open Inspiration Maps lesson plans and templates from our website

  • Organize your documents into folders

  • Save documents in Dropbox

  • Email your documents and PDFs of your diagrams and outlines

  • Open your documents on your desktop using Inspiration 9.1

  • Transfer your document outlines to other iPad apps such as Pages, Evernote, etc.

  • Transfer a PDF of your diagram or outline to other iPad apps

What is the difference between inspiration maps and inspiRation maps vpp?

Inspiration Maps allows you to create up to five documents to test the functionality of the app for free, then use in-app purchase to upgrade to to full, unlimited function. Inspiration Maps VPP gives you all the features available in the Inspiration Maps upgrade to full full function without having to use in-app purchase to access them. Inspiration Maps VPP exists to simplify the process for educators purchasing through Apple's Volume Purchase Program (VPP) for education.

can i transfer documents from inspiration maps to inspiration maps vpp?

Yes. Go to Inspiration Maps. Open the documents you want to transfer and use the Action button on the toolbar to email them to yourself. Open your email on your iPad and choose the 'Open in...' option to open the attachments in Inspiration Maps VPP.

Inspiration 9 Trial

why can’t i delete documents from inspiration maps without upgrading to full function?

The free version of the app is intended to allow you to preview the app and decide if you would like to purchase it. Thus, it has its limitations. If you don't want to upgrade to the full version, you can still delete the content in the documents you have already created in Inspiration Maps. The documents themselves will not go away but they won't have any content in them (if you delete it).

I upgraded Inspiration Maps to the full function via in-app purchase and now I want to use it on another iPad or my iPhone with the same Apple ID, but the full function isn’t showing up. What do I do?

On a second iPad, an upgraded version of Inspiration Maps will not show its upgraded state until you restore your in-app purchases. To do this, open the app and then tap the wrench button in the top right side of the toolbar. Tap the button that says “Restore My In-App Purchases” and then enter your Apple ID and password. This should restore the app to it's upgraded state.

Can I add or change templates?

A: If you're running Inspiration Maps version 1.6 or higher, you can create your own templates. To do this, first create aand finish a new document (or open an existing document you'd like to convert to a template) then go to the Wrench menu in the top right corner of the toolbar. Tap 'Create Template'.

If you're running an earlier version of the app than 1.6, you cannot create your own templates. However, if you are interested in distrubuting documents that behave similarly to templates, you can upload the documents to a shared Dropbox folder and then tell your students to retrieve them from there. Similar to how templates work, when they retrieve the documents, they will be opening copies of your origional documents that they can customize and work on as they please. For more detailed information about how to do this, see the question 'Can I store documents in Dropbox?' below.

How do I download templates in other languages besides US English?

Inspiration 9 Windows 10

A: You can download free sets of templates in UK English, Canadian French, and Latin American Spanish from inside the app. Go to the Templates folder inside Inspiration Maps. At the top of the page, tap the language of your choice, then tap the button that confirms the download. After doing this, templates in that language (and in US English) will always be available on your iPad.

I just want to browse the additional templates in Spanish (or French, or UK English). Are the templates permanently installed once I download them?

A: You can choose to delete the additional templates after you have downloaded them. Tap Templates and drag the slider bar at the top to select the template library you wish to delete. Then tap the trash icon on the toolbar. The template library you have just deleted will be available to download again, should you wish to do so. (Note: US English templates cannot be deleted.)


Inspiration Maps comes with lots of options for you to customize and style your diagrams. So many, in fact, that we built a diagram in Inspiration Maps to show them all.


Yes. First, make sure your photo or image is stored in the iPad Photos app. Next, tap a symbol in Inspiration Maps to select it. Tap i on the toolbar, then tap the 'Shape' tab (if not already displayed). Tap the flower icon (lower left corner), then tap the album name in which your image(s) is stored. Tap the image you want to use--that's it.

Can I open Inspiration Maps documents in other Inspiration Software applications like Inspiration, Kidspiration or Webspiration? And how about vice versa--can Inspiration Maps open documents created in those applications?

Using Inspiration Maps Version 1.4 and Inspiration 9.2 on the desktop, Inspiration Maps files can now be imported into Inspiration. (Inspiration 9.2 is a free update for Inspiration 9 customers). You can also export documents from Inspiration 9.2 into a format that Inspiration Maps can read.

Learn how to import and export files between Inspiration Maps and Inspiration 9.2 here.

Learn more about Inspiration 9.2 here.

Can I share a document with someone else?

Yes. Inspiration Maps provides you with multiple ways to share the work you have done with others. If you have email set up, you can send a document as an attachment to be opened on another iPad in Inspiration Maps. You can also email your diagram or outline as a PDF, or as a text file. Inspiration Maps supports Dropbox transfer as well.

Can I transfer files to other iPad apps?

Yes, in Inspiration Maps. Using the Send to App feature, you can transfer outline text (but not symbols from the diagram view) to other local iPad apps such as Pages, GoodReader and Evernote. Using the Save to Photos feature, you can save your diagram to iPad Photos. You can also transfer your diagram or outline as a PDF to other apps that accept that format.

How do I move my Inspiration Maps document into Pages?

You can move the text of your document into other apps, such as Pages, from Outline view. You must already have Pages downloaded on your iPad in order to do this.

1) Open your document and go to Outline view (if you're not already there).

2) Tap the Action button on the toolbar (the rectangle with an arrow coming out of it).

3) Tap the option to 'Send to App...'

4) Tap the option to send the 'Text' of your document.

5) Tap 'Pages' from the list of apps that appear in the 'Open In..' dialogue.

What about documents created in other versions of Inspiration? Can I use those with Inspiration Maps?

A: Any Inspiration 9 diagram or outline can be converted to use with Inspiration Maps Version 1.4 or later. The conversion feature is available only in Inspiration 9.2.

If you are using Inspiration 7 or 8, you must upgrade to Inspiration 9.2 in order to exchange documents with Inspiration Maps.

How do I get a document I made on my iPad onto my computer?

If you’re working from Inspiration Maps (not Inspiration Maps Lite), there are multiple options for getting your work onto your computer. If you would just like to view your diagram or outline on a computer, you can mail a PDF of your document to yourself or someone else to be opened on a desktop or laptop computer.

If you would like to open your document on your computer and continue working on it, you will need to have Inspiration 9.1 installed on the computer you would like to use, and check that you are running Inspiration Maps Version 1.4 or later on the iPad. Then, either email your Inspiration Maps document to yourself to open on your computer, or copy it to Dropbox and access it from your computer.

Why does my document look a little different in Inspiration 9.2 than on my iPad?

Some features in Inspiration 9.2 don’t transfer to Inspiration Maps (but may in the future).These include custom colors, some symbols, some link formats, videos, and drawings. There are also a few link styles and formatting options available in Inspiration Maps that are not available in Inspiration 9.2.

I tried to open an Inspiration 9.2 document on my iPad and it won’t work! Why?

A: Make sure you are running Inspiration Maps Version 1.4 or later on the iPad. If you are running Version 1.4 or later, and you cannot open the document, check to see that the file format is '.inspmaps'. If it is not:

To change the format of your file, you’ll need to use the Import/ Export options inside Inspiration 9.2. Open your document in Inspiration 9.2 on your computer and go to the File menu. Choose the option to Export iPad Inspiration Maps document…

This will convert the file into a format (.inspmaps) that your Inspiration Maps on your iPad can read.

Part or all of my diagram has disappeared. What happened and how do I get it back?
You probably haven't lost any of your hard work. What likely happened is one of three things:
1) You accidentally tapped the Hide button on one of your idea symbols. If this is the case, you have hidden all its sub-symbols from view. To fix:

Inspiration 9 1
  1. If a triangle appears next to one of the symbol’s corners when selected, then there are sub-idea symbols attached to it.

  2. Tap the triangle to reveal the symbols that were hidden.

2) Your diagram has scrolled out of view. Since Inspiration Maps gives you (practically) unlimited canvas space to work with (so if you want, you can make really big diagrams!), you have the ability to scroll on the screen. If you scroll away from your diagram, you'll still see your canvas, but it will look blank because you haven't created anything there yet. Your diagram didn't disappear, you just scrolled away from it. The quick fix is to simply pinch the screen, which will resize the diagram to fit the screen.
3) You accidentally deleted the symbols. Because you can select, and delete, multiple symbols at once, it's possible that you accidentally deleted a bunch of your symbols. To fix, to tap the Undo button. Every time you tap it, it will undo your last command.
Every time customers have contacted us about missing pieces of their diagrams, we have been able to narrow it down to one of the instances mentioned above. However, if you tried these solutions and none of them worked for you, we want to hear from you. Please contact us at and we will do our best to get to the bottom of the problem.

About Inspiration and Kidspiration on the desktop


We hope to develop a Mac version in the future, but we do not have a production date at this time. If you are looking for the International English version of Inspiration 9 for Windows, you can purchase that from TechEd Marketing.

Where can I buy Inspiration 9 for Windows?

The International English version Inspiration 9 for Windows is available through TechEd Marketing.

How do I save a document?

Documents are automatically saved.

Can I store documents in Dropbox?

Yes. You'll first need to link to Dropbox from within Inspiration Maps. Once that's done, files you send to Dropbox by default are stored in your user account in the Apps folder under Inspiration Maps. This folder is specific to each user and cannot be shared with other Dropbox users. Also, files are not automatically synchronized between Dropbox and Inspiration Maps. If you copy from Dropbox to the iPad and the document already exists, a new copy will be created with a different file name. Likewise, if you send a file that already exists from the iPad to Dropbox, a new copy with a different name will be created.
You can also open Inspiration Maps documents using the iPad Dropbox app. In that app, select a file with the .inspiration file type, then tap the Action button in the upper right to open it in Inspiration Maps.

Does Inspiration Maps support external monitors?

Yes. Video mirroring is supported on iPad 2 or newer with iOS 5. If both the IPad and Apple TV are part of the same subnet, desktop mirroring via AirPlay can be used to share the screen. However, connections using the video out port on the original iPad are not supported.

What sort of keyboard support does Inspiration Maps offer?

The default, full-sized keyboard is displayed when you enter text in the application. International keyboards are supported and permit text entry in a variety of languages. External USB keyboards are also supported, provided they are connected properly.

Where can I find more how-to info and tips for using Inspiration Maps?

There's a help section in the product itself. Tap the '?' icon on your Inspiration Maps toolbar.

How is my version of Inspiration Maps updated?

Product updates are distributed through the App Store. Users can determine if they want to accept the update based on the details provided.

Is a WiFi connection required to use Inspiration Maps?

No. You can use Inspiration Maps without any internet connection at all.

Is Inspiration Maps compatible with Apple VoiceOver, the integrated iPad screen reader?

No, Inspiration Maps uses a number of gestures that are not supported in VoiceOver at this time.

How can I print my documents?

You can print your Inspiration Maps document to a printer you have set up to work with your iPad. Apple AirPrint is supported. If you don't have a printer set up to work with your iPad, you can email your diagram or outline to yourself as a PDF and print it from a computer.

-iOS 8 or greater

-One of the following devices: iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, iPod touch 5th generation, iPad 2, iPad with Retina display (iPad 3), iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad mini with Retina display

What languages is Inspiration Maps and Inspiration Maps VPP available in?

A: Inspiration Maps and Inspiration Maps VPP is localized in US English, UK English, Latin American Spanish, and Canadian French. However, Inspiration Maps accepts text from any language keyboard available to you on the iPad – so it can work in any language.

If the language on your iPad is set to English (using Settings on your iPad), you’ll see either the US English or the UK English version of the app, depending on where you’re located. If the language on your iPad is set to French, you will see the French version. And if the language on your iPad is set to Spanish, you will see the Spanish version.

Everything about the app will appear in that language, except for the templates. The templates that come with the app are in US English but you have the option to download (for free) templates in all of the languages listed above.