Resize Image On For Youtube Banner

  • Youtube cover photo, banner and Youtube channel art size resizer tool online. Resize image for youtube channel art size: 2560 x 1440 pixels. YouTube offers a spec sheet of image sizes to use on the network. For starters, you have channel art (similar to a cover photo) that’s 2560 pixels wide by 1440 pixels high.
  • Resize JPG or PNG images for free with Placeit's free image resizer. Upload your file, choose a preset and download away. YouTube Banners. YouTube End Cards.
  • YouTube Banner Size and Dimensions. Here is the full list of the correct YouTube banner dimensions: Minimum dimension for upload: 2048 x 1152 px. Minimum safe area for text and logos to be visible on mobile: 1546 x 423 px. Larger images may get cropped on certain views or devices. Maximum width: 2560 x 423 px.

YouTube Banner Size. The optimal YouTube channel art banner images size is 2560 x 1440 pixels. However, you should keep your important text and visuals within a safe space of 1546 x 423 pixels to protect it from cropping on different devices. Once you upload your banner, YouTube shows you how it will be cropped on various devices. The YouTube banner image size width x height pixels have been revised to the following as of May 19, 2021. Now your channel banner must meet the following criteria: Minimum dimensions to upload: 2048 x 1152 pixels. Safe Area for Logo and Text: 1235 x 338 pixels. Maximum File Size: 6MB.

The size of YouTube banner

It's the first thing a user sees when they open your page — and on this platform, like everywhere else, it's often a matter of how you 'dress'. So it's worth spending some time creating it.

Resize Image To Fit Youtube Banner

YouTube channel banner size is an important detail because the text should be in the center of the banner, so it will not be cut off on different devices. If you want to add a logo on it — place it in this 'safe area'. Follow the recommended specs from Google:

  • Minimum size of uploaded picture: 2560x1440 pixels;
  • Size of 'safe area' for text and logo: 1546x423 pixels;
  • Maximum width: 2560 pixels. Edges will be cropped on different devices;
  • Upload size: 6 MB max.

Resize Image On For Youtube Banner Free

How to resize youtube banner

The banners come in all sorts of forms. There are no recommendations on what should be shown. So you can let your creativity run wild and design it however you want.

Resize Image On For Youtube Banner Online

With our tool you do not need any Photoshop skills, all you need is the Internet and a few minutes. Furthermore, it can not only resize images, you can use it for any format of video as well.

Clideo can be used directly on both desktop and mobile devices and is free as long as the file size does not exceed 500 MB.

ImageResize Image On For Youtube Banner

Let's see how to optimize a YouTube banner image in a few clicks.

How To Resize Youtube Banner

  1. Upload the image

    Open Clideo's online resizer in your favorite browser. Upload the file directly from your PC, or any other device you are using.

    If it is in your cloud storage then tap on a little down-facing arrow and upload it from Google Drive or Dropbox. Additionally, in the same menu you can paste a direct URL.

  2. Resize to the recommended YouTube banner size

    On the right you will see current dimensions of the picture. Make sure that the 16:9 aspect ratio is selected and type in the size you need, in this case it is 2560x1440 as we learned above. Additionally, the tool offers seven presets, including Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and more.

    On the bottom-right side of the screen, you can adjust how your image will look on the screen: its size, its position, and the color of the borders.

    Click the 'Export' button and wait for your banner to be processed.

  3. Save the YouTube banner

    Make sure that everything is correct by using the preview screen on the left. Click 'Edit' if you need to make some changes.

    If you're satisfied with the result, download the file to your device or save it to cloud storage.