Second Copy 9

Centered Systems - 2.4MB - Shareware - out of 18 votes
Second Copy 7 is our award winning backup software. Designed for all versions of Windows (including Windows Vista), it offers easy and powerful ways of making backups of your important files and folders.
Second Copy arranges your backup needs in sets of 'profiles.' Each profile is a set of file and folder specifications which tells Second Copy, what you want to be copied, to where, and when. Once configured, Second Copy monitors the 'source' folders for changes or updates and copies new or changed files to the 'destination'. This process is done unobtrusively in the background.
Second Copy includes an easy to use profile wizard that guides you through the setup process. The setup process is separated into Express and Custom modes. In Express mode, you answer three simple questions (what, where and when) about the files to be backed up. Advanced users can use the Custom setup option to define specific files to be included in or excluded from the copy. They can also choose how the files are to be copied, e.g. compression, synchronization etc.

Second Copy 9 Serial

Use Second Copy as your automatic backup software: What's in Second Copy 9. 32-bit and 64-bit version of Second Copy Works with Windows 10 (also runs on XP/2003. Second Copy دانلود رایگان نرم افزار Second Copy نام نرم افزاری می باشد که به وسیله آن کاربران قادر خواهند بود تا از اطلاعات مختلف خود فایل های پشتیبان تهیه نمایند تا در صورت از دست دادن.

Second Copy 9 Export Profiles

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