- The Tamagotchi Connection V2 was released in the US in 2005 as a sequel to the Tamagotchi Connection V1. It had the same basic features as the V1, but included more characters, different games, and a newly added shop.
- Tamagotchi jumping is much more fluent and quicker, making it much easier to play, compared to the Version 2 game heading. The aim is to head the ball as many times as possible, you use the a and c buttons to navigate your character, then you use button b b to jump to head the ball.
- MyMeets App - The UNOFFICIAL app for Tamagotchi Meets & On What is MyMeets app, and how is it different from the official Meets app for iOS and Android? The MyMeets app is a fan-made app that allows you to customize a partner for your Tamagotchi Meets to marry, download custom wallpapers, and gain access to items and Gotchi points immediately.
- How to play the jump rope game on the Tamagotchi P's.Tamagotchi Guide Blog: s.
Tamagotchi tamagotchi v2tamagotchi connection tamagotchi vintagevintage tamagotchi.
The Tamagotchi Connection V2 built upon the original Connection (Connexion/Plus) with the additional of the Gotchi Point system allowing you to purchase items in-game. Like the V1, the V2 lacks the antenna featured on the V3 through V5.5, so telling them apart at a glance can be tricky A list of all characters that appear on the Tamagotchi Connection Version 2. 1 Official Characters 1.1 Baby Stage 1.2 Toddler Stage 1.3 Teen Stage 1.4 Adult Stage 1.5 Senior Stage 2 Debug Characters (*) This applies from the third generation onwards. The first generation works differently: Hitodetchi/Marutchi will evolve into a Normal teen with 3 or more mistakes in either physical or mental. The Tamagotchi Connection V2 was first released in 2005, a year after the original Tamagotchi Connection. It's the second modern release of Tamagotchi since the originals in 1996
The Tamagotchi Connection (UK: Tamagotchi Connexion) is a virtual pet in the Tamagotchi line of digital toys from Bandai. The Tamagotchi Connection is unique from prior models in that it uses infrared technology to connect and interact with other devices and was first released in 2004, 8 years after the first Tamagotchi toy Connection v2. Connection v3. connection v4. connection v5. connection v6. Tamagotchi Go. Tamagotchi Friends The original Tamagotchi was first introduced in Japan in 1996 and was a huge craze. It wasn't long before Bandai introduced it to Europe and North America where the craze grew further. By late 1998 and 1999, the fad has began to die out. Tamagotchi products became rarer to find until.
1-16 of 19 results for tamagotchi connection v2 Best Seller in Electronic Pets. Original Tamagotchi - Majestic. 4.5 out of 5 stars 6,935. $16.49 $ 16. 49 $19.99 $19.99. Get it as soon as Wed, Mar 31. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. More Buying Choices $14.51 (13 used & new offers) Ages: 8 years and up. Tamagotchi Friends 42816 Original Tamagotchi Japanese Logo-Feed, Care. . title segment segment 1 segment 2 segment 3 segment 4 segment 5 Note: when you click a link, an image will appear scaled to fit your screen. If you move your mouse over the image, the mouse pointer should change.
Tamagotchi Connection - Orange. 3.3 out of 5 stars 7. $95.00 $ 95. 00. $4.99 shipping. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Ages: 6 - 10 years. Best Seller in Electronic Pets. Tamagotchi Electronic Game, Black. 4.5 out of 5 stars 6,894. $19.00 $ 19. 00 $19.99 $19.99. Get it as soon as Tue, Mar 30. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon . More Buying Choices $14.24 (22 used & new. The Tamagotchi Connection V2 was released in the US in 2005 as a sequel to the Tamagotchi Connection V1. It had the same basic features as the V1, but included more characters, different games, and a newly added shop
Connection V2 Connection V3 Connection V4 Connection V4.5 Connection V5 Connection V5.5 Connection V6 Tamagotchi Mini Keitai Kaitsuu Chou Jinsei Enjoi Ura Jinsei Enjoi Oden-kun TamagoChu. Tamagotchi Plus Color Tamagotchi iD Tamagotchi Nano TamaTown Tama Go Tamagotchi iD L Tamagotchi Ps Tamagotchi Friends Tamagotchi 4U / 4U+ Tamagotchi m!x 20 th Anniv. Classics Licensed Nanos Tamagotchi Meets. A: First, both Tamagotchi toys must highlight the Connect icon, which appears as a heart. Select the heart, followed by whatever other options it gives, and when the Stand By screen appears, point the two Tamagotchi toys toward each other, one infrared port facing the other. then, press B (the middle button) on either Tamagotchi Tamagotchi Connexion is an interactive virtual pet that will evolve differently depending on how well you take care of it. Play games with it, feed it food and cure it when it is sick and it will develop into a good companion! Tamagotchi Connexion has some special functions Unused footage for my originally intended Tamagotchi Connection V2 video. I got carried away and turned it into a 23 min long detailed walkthrough rather tha..
Tamagotchi Connection V2 2004 Pink n Purple Camo Bandai Version 2 Second. Pre-Owned. C $112.52. or Best Offer. from United States. 10 watchers. S p o n s o r e d. Tamagotchi Connection Version 1 - Gray With Claw Marks Case - 2004. Pre-Owned. C $75.01. or Best Offer +C $21.26 shipping. from United States. 11 watchers . S p o n s o r e d. Red Tamagotchi connection 2004 Jelly beans Used TESTED. The Tamagotchi Connection V2 was released in the US in 2005 as a sequel to the Tamagotchi Connection V1. It had the same basic features as the V1, but included more characters, different games, and a newly added shop. Most of the menus worked the same way as they did in the V1, but the status menu now featured an area to show how many points you'd gathered from playing games. The food menu. *** Información de interés¿Dónde comprar un Tamagotchi? y otras preguntas frecuentes:http://mascotasvirtualesdebabyblue.blogspot.com/p/1-donde-puedo-comprar-.. Tamagotchi Connection V2 Growth Chart. Tamagotchi Connection v3 Growth Chart. Tamagotchi Connection v4 Growth Chart. Tamagotchi v4.5 Growth Chart. Tamagotchi v5 Growth Chart. Tamagotchi v6 Growth Chart. Tama-go Growth Chart. Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any of these charts. The Credit should be given to the rightful owners... I only have these here for your convenience. If I used.
Tamagotchi Connection Version 2/Character list
- Tamagotchi Connection V2 (2005) Connection Options. 1 - Ver 2: Game eating game: first one to eat all their food wins. balloon popping game: first one to pop their balloon wins. tug-of-war: first one to pull their opponent across the line wins. running game: first one to reach the goal wins. 2 - Ver 2: Present One Tamagotchi can wrap a present that the other Tamagotchi can eat or play with. If.
- Tamagotchi Connection V2 USA. Preis: 15-30 € Kategorie: alt Fundort: Ebay USA Seltenheit: mittel. Tamagotchi Connexion V3 Deutschland. Preis: 20-30 € Kategorie: neu Fundort: Ebay D Seltenheit: mittel. Tamagotchi Connexion V3 USA. Abgebildete Sonderedition ca. 50 Euro. Preis: 20-30 € Kategorie: neu Fundort: Ebay USA Seltenheit: mittel. Tamagotchi Connexion V4 Deutschland. Preis: 15-25.
- Tamagotchi Connection V2 Growth Chart. This infographic was put together by xoTama0x#5785 of the Tama Archive group on Tamagotchi Collectors Discord Click on image for full resolution. Information sourced from: Tama Wiki Tama Talk. Share on Facebook. Tweet. Follow us. Share. Share. Share. Share. Share. Guides ; FAQ; Downloads; Discord; TamaTown.com is an unofficial fan site. We are in no way.
- TAMAGOTCHI CONNECTION V2 Pink with Flowers - $41.50. FOR SALE! TAMAGOTCHI CONNECTION V2 Pink with Flowers. Condition is Used. Works new battery. 17471422155
- TamagotchiConnectionv2 is the first Tamagotchi to feature a shop where you can purchase four different items that change each day. All Tamagotchis made after the v2 have shops as well but v2, v3, and v4 all allow you to enter secret codes (one is usually found on the front of your instructions booklet) which usually consist of 8 characters using the A, B, and C buttons on your Tama
- Tamagotchi Connection V2 - Pink Hearts - Tested & Working! Pre-Owned. C $45.00. Time left 3d 18h left. 0 bids. Tamagotchi Connection Punk Red Grey Bad 2004 Charm And Lanyard. Tested And Works. Pre-Owned. C $60.00. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. or Best Offer +C $20.00 shipping. Tamagotchi Connection Graffiti Design (RARE) Tamagotchi v4 connection NEW RARE. Brand New. C $169.99. Buy It Now.
PicClick Insights - Tamagotchi Connection V2 Blue W/ Flowers Bandai 2004 tested works PicClick Exclusive. Popularity - 408 views, 18.5 views per day, 22 days on eBay. Super high amount of views. 0 sold, 1 available Tamagotchi Connection V2 Growth Chart. Read More. March 16, 2021 iDL Growth Chart. By The Mayor Infographic by Zeshyr#7892 of the Tama Archive group on Tamagotchi Collectors Discord Information sourced from the Tama-Zone forums. Read More. February 4, 2021 Tamagotchi Leak? By The Mayor Possible leak of the next Color Tamagotchi. Read More. VIEW ALL BLOG POSTS. Join Us! Tamagotchi Discord. Ur-Tamagotchi Tama (Gen 1) Tama (Gen 2) Angelgotchi Digimon Oceangotchi Forestgotchi Santaclautchi Osuchi+Mesuchi Tamaotch Mothra Arukotch Genjintch Devilgotch Doreamon Yasashii Sonstiges . Tamagotchis > 2004. Tamagotchi Chibi Tamagotchi Nano Plus/Connexion Connexion V2 Connexion V3 Connexion V4 Connexion V4.5 Connexion V5 Connexion V5.5 Tamatown Tama-Go Tamagotchi Music Star Tamagotchi Color.
LOT of 2 Tamagotchi Connection V2 / V3 BOTH NEW! $99.99 + shipping . Vintage 2004 Tamagotchi Connection red blue stars white buttons tested Works!!!! $49.99. Free shipping . Tamagotchi Connection v4 Jinsei White Dots Europe 2007 Sealed. $110.00. shipping: + $18.00 shipping . Bandai Tamagotchi Plus 4543112295743 . $123.72. shipping: + $10.00 shipping . Bandai Celebration Mobile Phone Kai-2. Tamagotchi Connection Cases - Choose Your Favourite Colours! v1 v2 v3 v4 v4.5 v5 v5.5 v6 MythicBiscuits 5 out of 5 stars (424) $ 8.02. Add to Favorites Quick view Vintage Tamagotchi Connection Blue Camouflage Bandai WORKS. Tamagotchi V1, V2, V3 Unknown V1, V2, V3 Nothing is really known about this character. Colloquially known as Three Blocks, it was probably planned to be one of the Deka Tamagotchi mascots, given by how other Tamagotchis interact with it when connecting. Tsutayatchi V1, V2, V3 Only accessible through debug mode on the Tamagotchi Plus, however its sprites still exist on the international.
Find great deals on eBay for tamagotchi connection v2. Shop with confidence Tamagotchi Connection V2 Limited Edition Very Very Rare - Good Condition - K10. $255.47 Buy It Now 30d 13h. See Details--MEGA TAMAGOTCHI LISTING--Connection ID Plus V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Bandai RARE. $73.81 Buy It Now 8d 22h. See Details. Bandai Tamagotchi Connection V2 Black Virtual Pet - Great Condition - K95. $68.11 Buy It Now 30d 13h. See Details. PicClick ® CA • Search eBay Faster. Tamagotchi connection v1. Tamagotchi Connection V2 Sealed New NIB Bandai. Oct 15, 2009 On the connecting options for the V2, select 'Version 1' On the connecting options for the V3 or V4, select 'Other'. Tamagotchi Connection (Version 1/V1). These characters can be controlled in ways similar to other hand-held games, such as Tamagotchi. Tamagotchi connection version 4.5. Contents.Premise In. Ebenso V1, V2 oder V3. Die Abkürzungen stehen für Generation und Version. Also Gen1 ist die 1. Generation von Tamagotchis und V3 ist die 3. Version von Tamagotchis. Mit Gen(eration) werden immer die alten Tamagotchis bezeichnet und mit V(ersion) immer die neuen, aktuellen Tamagotchi. Echtheit. Viele fragen mich, woran sie erkennen können ob das Tamagotchi echt ist oder nicht. Echte. While previous editions featured two Tamagotchis making an egg, this is the first one to allow you to raise more than one generation at the same time. This version of the Tamagotchi Connection is very easy to identify thanks to its chimney-like antenna, which was a padlock design on the Japanese shells
V2 - Tamagotchi Clu
- Connexion V2 Connexion V3 Connexion V4 Connexion V4.5 Connexion V5 Connexion V5.5 Tamagotchi Music Star Tamagotchi Color Tamagotchi ID Tamawalkie Keitai Keitai Red Entama Famitama Royal Famitama Dekatamas Kakeibo Uratama School Tama Tamago Chu Odenkun Tama Restaurant Tamagotchi Fureai Konsolenspiel
- Tamagotchi Chibi Tamagotchi Nano Plus/Connexion Connexion V2 Connexion V3 Connexion V4 Connexion V4.5 Connexion V5 Connexion V5.5 Tamatown Tama-Go Tamagotchi Music Star Tamagotchi Color Tamagotchi ID Tamagotchi IDL ID Station Tamawalkie Keitai Keitai Red Entama Famitama Royal Famitama Dekatamas Kakeibo Uratama School Tama Tamago Chu Odenkun.
- The Tamagotchi Connection (known as Tamagotchi Connexion in Europe and Tamagotchi Plus in Japan) was the first in a line of updated devices that featured an infrared port that allowed two units to communicate so that the characters could interact with one another. The V1 can be identified by a lack of any sort of antenna, however it is physically indistiguishable from the V2 aside from shell.
- Tamagotchi Connection v2 Codes Hair Potion: ACBC ABAC Love Potion/ Honey: BCBA CABA Steak: BACB CACB Cake: ABBA CBCA Stuffed Animal (Panda Suit): CBAA CAB
- Models sold outside of Japan Tamagotchi Angel Tamagotchi Connection (V1) Tamagotchi Connection V2 Tamagotchi Connection V3 Tamagotchi Connection V4 Tamagotchi Connection V4.5. Tamagotchi Connection Version 2. Several changes were made to later releases of the V2. In particular, early versions (especially early Connexion versions rather than early Connection versions) had a few slightly.
- Home Tamagotchi English Model P1/P2/OtherNEW Tamagotchi Connection V2 White w/ Hearts Bandai English. NEW Tamagotchi Connection V2 White w/ Hearts Bandai English $ 99.99. Out of stock. Categories: Tamagotchi, English Model P1/P2/Other Tags: Tamagotchi, English. Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest Description Description *NEW, Please see the pics. *The language is in English. Shipping method.
- Tamagotchi Connection Version 2 PUMA Edition A rare version of the V2 designed by Yashuhiro Mihara of PUMA is known to exist. While mostly functioning like an ordinary V2, it differs from other versions of the V2 in that it has a different animation when starting up. It also features a different egg sprite
Tamagotchi Connection V2 Bandai Japan 2004 - Yellow Butterflies - Tested. Pre-Owned. C $88.00. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. Buy It Now +C $16.80 shipping estimate. from United States. 14 watchers. S V V p o 0 n 0 s o A Z r R e d P 7 G R. Tamagotchi Connection V3 in Blue Camo Print 2004 Bandai Tested Works Rare. Pre-Owned. C $100.64 . Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. or Best Offer +C. Oct 01, 2013 It's a very simple tamagotchi that resembles the vintage tamagotchis but has a few extra features like connecting with other tamagotchis through the infrared port, and it has multiple games. Each character the player recieves is based on how well the Tamagotchi is cared for Enhanced play value in V4 will be adding onto the existing online compatibility V4.5 features 20 new. Tamagotchi Connection v2 (2004) [edit] The Tamagotchi Connection v2 introduces 'Gotchi Points', an in-game currency used to buy shop items. Also, more games are unlocked as the Tamagotchi ages. It has 6 stages of life: Egg - This only occurs once the device has been reset, either by pressing the reset button on the rear of the device or by installing a new battery. Once the clock has been set. .3 views per day, 77 days on eBay. Super high amount of views. 1 sold, 0 available
Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop 2 cheats, Passwords, Tips, and Codes for DS. Jump to: Password (1) Tip (3) Cheat (1) Passwords Back to top. Codes. Enter the following codes in the Codes menu. This is an index to topics containing scans of the original instruction manuals that came with various model Tamagotchis. Models sold outside of Japan Tamagotchi Angel Tamagotchi Connection (V1) Tamagotchi Connection V2 Tamagotchi Connection V3 Tamagotchi Connection V4 Tamagotchi Connection V4.5. Find great deals on eBay for tamagotchi v2. Shop with confidence TAMAGOTCHI CONNECTION V2 - Pink Hearts - Tested & Working! - $45.00. FOR SALE! Tamagotchi Connection V2 - Pink Hearts - Tested and working! Condition is 38394300236 The Tamagotchi Connection V3 was released in 2006. It took a lot of features from the V2 and further refined them. It was the first Tamagotchi release to use the TamaTown website. Physically, it's not too different from the previous versions, but it does feature a cute little antenna n ow. The start-up is very similar to the previous release, but you are now prompted to enter a username. It.
Tamagotchi Connection - Wikipedi
The Tamagotchi Connection V4 was released in 2007 as the fourth version of the connection series. It's based on the Japanese 'Entama' series. In the European and Australasia market its also known as the JinSei meaning 'Life'. The motto of this version is Living the Tamagotchi Life. This version also has a shell that was chosen by fans in 2006 as a competition held by Bandai. This winning. Top-Angebote für Tamagotchi online entdecken bei eBay. Top Marken | Günstige Preise | Große Auswah item 1 Tamagotchi Connection V2 Virtual Pet 2004 Bandai White Candy New Battery 1 - Tamagotchi Connection V2 Virtual Pet 2004 Bandai White Candy New Battery. $19.99 1 bid +$4.00 shipping. item 2 Tamagotchi Connection V2 Sealed New NIB Bandai 2005 Rare Virtual Pet 2 - Tamagotchi Connection V2 Sealed New NIB Bandai 2005 Rare Virtual Pet. $120.00 +$5.30 shipping. item 3 Tamagotchi Connection V3. 2004 Tamagotchi Connection V2 Yellow Butterflies - NEW Battery Bandai Giga Pets. Pre-Owned. $60.00. Buy It Now +$5.00 shipping. 13 watchers. Watch; S p o n s o r e d. Tamagotchi Connection V3 Bandai 2004 green with tropical flowers leaves Works. Pre-Owned. $45.00. Time left 1d 17h left. 0 bids. $60.00. Buy It Now +$4.00 shipping . Watch; S p o n s o r e d. 2004 Bandai Tamagotchi Connection V3.
Connection - Tamagotchi Clu
item 9 TAMAGOTCHI CONNECTION V2 (2004) - PINK WITH RAYS W/NEW BATTERY 8 - TAMAGOTCHI CONNECTION V2 (2004) - PINK WITH RAYS W/NEW BATTERY. $34.99 +$3.99 shipping. About this item. Condition. Used. Quantity. 1 available. Brand. Bandai. MPN. Does not apply. Character Family. Tamagotchi. Year. 2005. Item Number. 264992765674. Item Ending . Jan 28, 2021, 12:09 PM PST. See all. Item description. Tamagotchi Connection V2 Growth Chart. iDL Growth Chart. Tamagotchi Leak? Video Guide: Fix Flickering Screen on Tamagotchi Ps. Video Guide: Vpet Hyperspeed Modding. Tamagotchi x Hello Kitty! Demonslayer x Tamagotchi CONFIRMED. More App Guest Leaks! (Spoilers) Demon Slayer x Tamagotchi! 1 2 3 6 Next » Guides; FAQ; Downloads; Discord; TamaTown.com is an unofficial fan site. We are in no way. Buy Tamagotchi Connection V2 ( English ) in Pasig City,Philippines. Brand New and Unopened. Get great deals on Toys & Games Chat to Bu
Tamagotchi v1 Tamagotchi v2 What are the codes for Version 2? Shop Codes for V2 (There are only 5 codes) ABBA CBCC = Whole Cake (worth 600p) BACB CACB = Steak (worth 800p) BCBA CABA = Love Potion/Honey (worth 3000p) CBAA CABC = Stuffed Animal = Panda Costume (worth 2500p) ACBC ABAC = Hair Gel (worth. Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5 (2007) The Tamagotchi Connection Version 4.5, or the. . Condition is Used. Only used a few time. Still very new. Back to home page Return to top. More to explore : Tamagotchi Powered Toys, Toys, Hobbies Tamagotchi, Tamagotchi Electronic Toy Pets, Tamagotchi Action Figures, Tamagotchi Electronic Games, Tamagotchi Digimon Electronic Toy Pets, Tamagotchi 2002-Now Electronic Toy Pets, Flower Press, Green Game. Tamagotchi Chibi Tamagotchi Nano Plus/Connexion Connexion V2 Connexion V3 Connexion V4 Connexion V4.5. Sowohl auf der Packung als auch auf dem Tamagotchi steht immer auf dem Batteriedeckel Bandai. Außerdem haben alle alten japanischen Tamagotchis von 1996-1998 ein Logo mit dem UFO auf der Packung Tamagotchi Instructions. Ok so it is quite easy to lose instructions since they are just printed on paper and numerous things can destroy them. I have decided to upload scans of different Tamagotchi instructions up so those of you who lost them or never had any (bought used on ebay or amazon) can read them and figure everything out. Tamagotchi Connection v2 Instructions. If you need to see. The Keitai Tamagotchi is Japan's V2. It connects to cell phones and has many similar characters to our V2. The most noticable difference between the Japanese v2 and the other versions of v2 is that the Japanese has an antenna, symbolizing the fact that it can connect to your phone. After this one came out most of the newer versions afterward had antennas. I decided to get a Keitai even though.
Amazon.com: tamagotchi connection v
Dein Tamagotchi wachsen lassen. Es gibt viel zu tun, wenn man sich um ein Tamagotchi-Haustier kümmert. Du bist dafür verantwortlich, es zur Toilette zu bringen, es zu füttern, Spiele mit ihm zu spielen, es zu trösten, wenn es weint, und.. Tamagotchi v1. Tamagotchi v2. What are the codes for Version 2? Shop Codes for V2 (There are only 5 codes) ABBA CBCC = Whole Cake (worth 600p) BACB CACB = Steak (worth 800p) BCBA CABA = Love Potion/Honey (worth 3000p) CBAA CABC = Stuffed Animal = Panda Costume (worth 2500p) ACBC ABAC = Hair Gel (worth 400p) * When you have entered all 5 codes, the last item will be replaced by a 'rare. Tamagotchi Connection v2 English Pink Stars Australia Shell 2005 (US Seller) Gebraucht. CHF 70,58. Sofort-Kaufen +CHF 16,94 Versand. Aus Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. A n z e i g e. Neues Angebot 1996/1997 Bandai Original TAMAGOTCHI Virtual Pet GreenYellow Unopened. Brandneu. CHF 31,05. Restzeit Noch 6T 12Std. 0 Gebote. Zollabfertigungsservice und internationale Sendungsverfolgung. Download MyMeets V2.3.7 **Requirements: Bluetooth Low Energy Support OR a Bluetooth 4.0 USB Dongle that supports BLE and Windows 10 FULLY UPDATED If you want to tip/donate to the creator (Bolter) you can do it here
Tamagotchi Connection V2 Pink Flower - Tested, Working! | Toys & Hobbies, Electronic, Battery & Wind-Up, Electronic & Interactive | eBay
Tamagotchi Connection V2 - TamaTalk Reference Section
Tamagotchi Connection V3 Growth Chart This chart was put together by the Tama Archive group of Tamagotchi Collectors Discord using information from: OsuMesu21's blog Tama Wik Tamagotchi Connection v2 English Flowers Australia Shell 2005 (US Seller) | Toys & Hobbies, Electronic, Battery & Wind-Up, Electronic & Interactive | eBay Tamagotchi Connection V2, V2. EUR 21,50 15 Gebote + EUR 19,99 Versand . Tamagotchi 168 Tiere virtuelles Haustier Nostalgie elektronisches Spielzeug . EUR 9,99 + EUR 12,00 Versand . Bildinformationen. Öffnet die Bildergalerie. Bild nicht verfügbar. Zum Heranzoomen mit der Maus über das Bild fahren -Zum Vergrößern bitte anklicken. Zum Heranzoomen über das Foto bewegen. X. Ähnlichen. Aug 3, 2015 - Tamagotchi connection... v2... english.. V2 Tamagotchi Connecting Worldwide120. 3 Likes | 214 Downloads | 929 Views Download. The Tamagotchis connecting. One is a boy's and one is a girls. Its 3D and Detailed. Made By me, no help, no downloaded tools . Comments. Worldwide120. Model Info.
Tamagotchi Connection Series. Versions: V1, V2, Mini, V3, V4, V4.5, V5, V5.5 (Celebrity) and V6 (Music Star) Release Dates: 2004-2009; Tamagotchi Connection had a Debug Mode that could be enabled only by disassembling. Debug mode allows character selection and making time run faster Tamagotchi Connection Series. Versions: V1, V2, Mini, V3, V4, V4.5, V5, V5.5 (Celebrity) and V6 (Music Star) Release Dates: 2004-2009; Tamagotchi Connection had a Debug Mode that could be enabled only by disassembling. Debug mode allows character selection and making time run faster. Activating Debug Mode with a pencil . Disassembly. Tamagotchi Connection disassembly . Another Tamagotchi. The Tamagotchi Connection (known as the Tamagotchi Plus in Japan and the Tamagotchi Connexion in Europe) was the first modern Tamagotchi released since 1998. The Japanese edition was released on March 20, 2004. The English-language version was released in North America on August 15, 2004. It allows players to connect via infrared (known as Tamacom) to other players systems and become friends. Tamagotchi v2 & Tamagotchi v3 - Special Codes Tamagotchi v2. ABBA CBCC = Cake = 600 GP; BACB CACB = Steak = 800 GP; BCBA CABA = Love Potion / Honey = 3,000 GP; CBAA CABC = Stuffed Animal / Panda Costume = 2,500 GP; ACBC ABAC = Hair Gel = 400 GP * When you have entered all 5 codes, the last item will be replaced by a 'rare' Mimitchi costume which is re-useable so it is better to put the. Das Tamagotchi (jap. たまごっち, Wortschöpfung aus tamago (dt. Ei) und watchi (von engl.watch, dt.Uhr); in Japan ursprünglich als Tamagotchi romanisiert) ist ein aus Japan stammendes Elektronikspielzeug, das ab 1997 weltweit populär war, im Jahr 2004 in der Connexion-Versionen und 2017 zum 20-jährigen Jubiläum neu aufgelegt wurde
Amazon.com: Tamagotchi Connectio
Tamagotchi Cheats V2 Accelerated Growth:-----As soon as your creature is born, feed him and give him snacks, then puthim in the CARE CENTER. Now go to your computer's cs clock and set thedate two days ahead. When you retrieve your creature he'll have grown up! Get Certain Characters:-----To get either Mametchi (blue guy with ears) or Mimitchi (white guy with ears) you must always discipline. Tamagotchi Connection Gotchi Gear Mametchi Violetchi Charms 2005 (US Seller) $14.99. Brand: Bandai. $4.20 shipping. 2004 Tamagotchi Connection Virtual Pet Version 4 Bandai Yellow Purple Red. Mar 05, 2017 5 Next Level Viral Experiments w/ Coca Cola Mentos & Crushing Crunchy Soft Things by Car Experiment - Duration: 22:55. Collins Key Recommended for you. Mar 12, 2020 I love this 20th.
Tamagotchi Connection V2 Shells Tamagotchi Connection Matchmaker Tamagotchi Connection V4 Ebay Tamagotchi Connection 168 In 1 Codes Tamagotchi Connection V4 Matchmaker Tamagotchi Connection V4 Passwords. 4/7/2020 The Tamagotchi v4 was the first version was centered around jobs. The job you get depends on how well you raise your tama. There are 18 different v4 designs, including the special. Tamagotchi Connection Chart Have multiple Tamas - different versions? Or maybe like us, you have friends you Tamas that at a lower or higher version and of course, we want to connect/play/add them as friends! Here's a fantastic chart from Tama-Zone showing which Tamagotchi versions connect with what and whether they can have children (breed). Based on actual experience, leave feedback in the. To enter a password into your Tamagotchi, go to the heart icon, and select DVD / Special from the menu. When prompted, enter one of the passwords from the chart below, into your Tamagotchi. Repotchi will appear, and give you a present. 1000 GP PASSWORDS These passwords allow you to get 1000 GP for free on your Tamagotchi v5. To get 1000 GP, you need to select the connection icon on your v5. Tamagotchi Connection V2 bandai Original 2004. £6.60. 5 bids. £3.20 postage. Ending 3 May at 12:46AM BST 1d 1h. Tamagotchi Connection Version 4 Sky Blue With Clouds. £22.00. 2 bids. £3.85 postage. Ending 4 May at 4:32PM BST 2d 17h. Tamagotchi Connection Version 4 Pink Sakura . £35.00. 7 bids. £3.85 postage . Ending 4 May at 7:51PM BST 2d 20h. 49 In 1 Virtual Cyber Pet Connection Kids.
iDmakeDL v2.0.0.8: this version no longer available Updates: (1) iDmakeDL can now read Tamagotchi-iD L connection files and download files. (2) iDmakeDL can now be used to create Tamagotchi-iD L download files: meals for the Restaurant, snacks for TamaBakery, snacks for TamaCafe, letters for the Mailbox, and living room wallpapers for Gotchi. Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 Codes. The following is a collection of Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 Codes. If I'm missing any, please let me know. AABBCACB: Cost: 2800 Points. This code will give you the Remote Control Car. It will appear under the Items menu. You can have your Tamagotchi play with this item. CACABABC: Cost: 2500 Points. This code will give you a Stuffed Animal. It will.
Tamagotchi Connection Jump Game - rxcleve
ROMs » Nintendo DS » T » Tamagotchi Connection - Corner Shop 2. NOTE: Play this ROM on your PC by using a compatible emulator. New? Read our tutorial! » NDS emulator: DeSmuME (Windows) | OpenEmu (Mac) Tamagotchi Connection - Corner Shop 2. Share: DOWNLOAD FILE. Add to Queue. You may also like these NDS ROMs... Naruto - Ninja Destiny: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX - Spirit Caller: Kingdom Hearts Re-coded. Seller: jasie333 ️ (220) 100%, Location: Villawood, New South Wales, Ships to: AU, Item: 143971731537 Tamagotchi Connection V2 Camouflage Bandai Wiz 2004 In near brand new condition!. Like near brand new Tamagotchi Connection V2 Camouflage Bandai Wiz 2004 In near brand new condition!. All in working order won't find a better one around all buttons in great condition and function as desired. I bought a lot of 9 Tamagotchi Connections for my self and my friends as Christmas presents. There's a few V2s (No antenna), some V3s (Short antenna), and a V4 (Short antenna with a ball). The first friend I exchanged presents with and I started up our Tamagotchis (She has a V2 and I have a V3) and have been connecting and being goofy and having fun with them - Tamagotchi will change appearance several times before it reaches its adult form. - It seems that the shape, personality and life of each Tamagotchi is based on how well you take care of it. Each time you hatch a new Tamagotchi it could grow up to be any one of several adult forms. Tomagotchi will always return to its home planet. How well you care for it helps determine how long Tamagotchi. Best Tamagotchi Connection V2 - Blue Camouflage For Sale. You can buy Tamagotchi Connection V2 - Blue Camouflage at best price with super saver shipping. See more prices, shipping options, availability and additional information about Tamagotchi Connection V2 - Blue Camouflage by click the link on the bottom of this post
- The Tamagotchi Connection (UK: Tamagotchi Connexion) is a virtual pet in the Tamagotchi line of digital toys from Bandai. The Tamagotchi Connection is unique from prior models in that it uses infrared technology to connect and interact with other devices and was first released in 2004, 8 years after the first Tamagotchi toy. Using the device's infrared port, the virtual pet (referred to as a.
- Size is suitable for Tamagotchi Connexion / Connection V1-V6, and other similar shaped Tamagotchis (for example Oden-Kun, Mesutchi and Osutchi). Color choices: Reference TMGC-201. In stock 20 Items. Specific References. Customers who bought this product also bought: Quick view Tamagotchi P's Pierce Plug. SGD1.60. Add to cart Quick view Huggy Bear Tamagotchi Cover. SGD28.00. Add to cart Quick.
- We found 67+ Tamagotchi Connection V3 deals from 4.35£ Save UP to 50% ⭐ Dealsan help you find the best price and money-saving offers Price Comparison and Review
- MyMeets App - The UNOFFICIAL app for Tamagotchi Meets & On Now, MyMeets v2 is out!!! What's New with Version 2?-Improved UI-Include MyMeets Studio for creating your own Wallpapers, Food & Items!-Fixed glitches-Added community created wallpapers-Added Station Games and Wallpapers from Mr. Blinky ♡♡♡♡ ♡♡♡♡ About Us Contact us My account The Fine Print. The Fine Print. Order.
Tamagotchi Ultimate Connecting Guide! - Tamagotchi Tips
- Your Tamagotchi can die if you don't pause it while in school. Keep it with you at ALL times. Put your tamagotchi key chain connecter on your pants, or someplace where it will be with you at all times. When you go to sleep, your tamagotchi will not die, if you set the time right. Keep your tama on your nightstand, or in your bookbag
- Tamagotchi M!X, the latest Japanese release, has a notable change to this feature; in this release, Tamagotchi offspring have merged traits from both of their parents. Other [ edit ] With the many different versions of the toy, there are other less common mechanics that influence the pet's growth, including but not limited to friendship with the player, varying types of skills, and career
- Tamagotchi Connection V2 - Virtual Pet Toy; Fast Fingers; Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop - DS Video Game; More Gadget and Electronics; Share It! Like It! Tags: world games reviews characters.
Tamagotchi war gestern, heute ist es die Tamagotchi-Welt, die den Kult-Status der 90er Jahre neu aufleben lässt. Das durch das Internet-Zeitalter aufgekommene Community-Denken wird in der neuen Connexion-Version 3 konsequenter verfolgt und macht das Tamagotchi nicht mehr zu einem Hobby im stillen Kämmerlein. So kann man es pflegen, hegen, Punkte sammeln und gleichzeitig in die Tamagotchi. Tamagotchi Connection V4 (2004) - Green and Yellow pattern.Good condition, minor scratches to screen. Tamagotchi Connection V2, V3 and V4 | eBay Working condition (photos show screens working), all include CR2032 batteries . When. Tamagotchi connection v2 growth chart. Saved by Harriet Rose. Tamagotchi V1 V2 V3 Friday, July 28, 2006. The Versions V1 V2 V3 Lets start with this great web site . 1280x1024 1024x768 800x600: PC: Right click on image and 'Set as Background' or 'Set as Wallpaper' MAC OS X: Drag the image onto your desktop. Go to System Preferences. Then go to the Desktop icon and open it. Then drag the image into the well. MAC OS 9: Drag the image onto your desktop. Go.

Tamagotchi Connection: Instruction Manua

- Visit our forum at: neomametchi-logs.freeforums.ne
- Tamagotchi Connection V2 Codes 1. ABBACBCC Hair Gel 2. CBAACABC Stuffed Animal 3. ABBACBCC Cake 4. BACBCACB Costume/Steak* 5. BCBACABA Honey ( Love Potion )** Prices After you get your TRY IT promo you can still get more of those items, except the costume, at these incredible prices! Remember the instruction booklet, it has the force. But if you've lost it, I'll be more than happy to help.
- Tamagotchi that's been cropped down to just the window where the character lives. There are no menus, no games, no shop, no stats. The Tamagotchi Mini eats food, eats snacks, poops, gets sick, and sleeps. They are fun to watch as they zing around the screen, and very low-maintenance. They don't get increasingly demanding over time, either. How to Care for Your Mini Every now and then, click.
- The Tamagotchi v2 can connect with the same version , but I don't know that can connect with version 4.5 . I think yes , because the twice have got the option OTHERS . And , when they click on.
- Tamagotchi Connections have arrived! On March 20, 2004 Bandai launched Tamagotchi Plus, a new enhanced version of the original Tamagotchi virtual pet (originally released in 1996). Tamagotchi Plus is available in stores only in Japan. New Tamagotchis were also released to the European market in late May of 2004. These English language pets, going by the name Tamagotchi Connexion, are almost.
- All Categories Clearance Pre-Orders Video Game Candy and Snack Character Goods Electronic Toys Digital Monster Tamagotchi. View more. My Account. Login Register. Username. Password. Remember me. Login. Lost your password? Username. Email address. Password. Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other.
OUT-TAKES ~ Tamagotchi Connection V2 - YouTub
- You can connect your Tamagotchi Connection to another one (if they are both old enough) by using the A button to select the heart icon in the top right corner of the screen. Point the keychain end of each Tamagotchi at each other, then press the B button twice. When you get them connected, they will automatically play games with each other, or visit and leave presents. Be sure to turn.
- Bandai.com © 2020 Bandai America Incorporated. Privacy Policy; Children's Privacy Policy; Terms & Conditions; Employee Notice for Personal Informatio
- Can a V5 tamagotchi connect/mate a V2 tamagotchi? Answer Save. 6 Answers. Relevance. Hayley B. 1 decade ago. Favorite Answer. yeah... just click on the V2 button and get a V2 and you can connect together. 0 0. amandaplease95. 1 decade ago. This is really bad, but a v5 cannot connect to any other type of tamagotchi besides v5. I'm guessing that's because on other tamagotchis, there is only one.
- Jual Tamagotchi Connection V5 Fake Tamagoci Mainan Anak dengan harga Rp75.000 dari toko online Flanelist, Kota Surabaya. Cari produk Lainnya lainnya di Tokopedia. Jual beli online aman dan nyaman hanya di Tokopedia
Tamagotchi Connection V2 Bandai Japan 2004 - Yellow Butterflies - Tested. $92.40 Buy It Now 25d 21h. See Details. Tamagotchi Connection Mametchi Puppet Plush Case Cover Pouch 2004 (US Seller) $46.22 Buy It Now 25d 13h. See Details. Bandai Tamagotchi Connection V5 We Are Familitchi! Love My Family. $145.29 Buy It Now or Best Offer 26d 10h. See Details. Bandai Tamagotchi Connection V5 We Are. Tamagotchi, il ritornoTamagotchi, il ritorno del gioco giocattolo famoso nel mondo Tamagotchi Connexion Shop Hier gibt es das Tamagotchi Connexion, Fan-Sets uvm. TTlTchargement kazaa v2.6.6 Telechargement du meilleur logiciel de pear to pear , le cTlFbre kazaa v2.6.6. que vous pourrez tTlTcharger tranquilement sur ce sit . Masktchi - Adult: Never had to look after one of these but I know that it has a whole lot of superhero type things going on. When connected with other tamas Masktchi can get a pair of wings and a cape! Robotchi - Adult: Also called Androtchi: Memetchi - Adult: Easy. Tamagotchi connection v2 growth chart. Saved by Harriet Rose. Even And Odd Connection Chart Words Hors
Tamagotchi v1
Tamagotchi v2
What are the codes for Version 2?
Shop Codes for V2 (There are only 5 codes)
ABBA CBCC = Whole Cake (worth 600p)
BACB CACB = Steak (worth 800p)
BCBA CABA = Love Potion/Honey (worth 3000p)
CBAA CABC = Stuffed Animal = Panda Costume (worth 2500p)
ACBC ABAC = Hair Gel (worth 400p)
* When you have entered all 5 codes, the last item will be replaced by a ‘rare’ Mimitchi costume which is re-useable so it is better to put the cheapest item in last – then you can re-enter the code and buy it from the shopkeeper again if you really want it.
tamagotchi v3
What are the codes for Version3?
Shop Codes for V3 (There are 7 codes)
CBAC CABC = cuckoo clock (worth 4000p)
AABB CACB = RC Car2 (worth 2800p)
CACA BABC = stuffed animal = Nyatchi costume (worth 2500p)
BCBC CABA = love potion/honey (worth 2000p)
BCAB ACBC = steak (worth 800p)
ABBA ACBA = cake (worth 600p)
ACBB BACC = hair gel (worth 400p)
* When you have entered all 7 codes, the last item will be replaced by a ‘rare’ re-useable costume. With the V3 it is a Hohotchi costume. So it makes more sense to enter the cheapest item last and then re-enter the code and buy it from the shopkeeper.
2 passwords that work on all V3 tamagotchis and each give an item:
32479 91490 – !! clone
63532 86367 – pen
Tamagotchi V2 Jump Games
tamagotchi v4
What are the Shop-codes for V4?
(Information supplied by Kyliesmum-thankyou!)
All of the V4 shop codes (there are only 5):
(please note, code are in the following order; Code=what it gives you=points needed to buy after first time entering in gp (gp=gotchi points))
1. BBCA CCCA= Pen= 15,000gp
2. ACAB ACAC= Steak= 1,400gp
3. BAAB ACBA= !! (clone)= 14,000gp
4. CCBA AABB= Honey (love potion)= 7,000gp
5. CAAA BACB= CD3= 0gp
When you have entered all five codes, the last iem will be replaced. Instead, it will give you a RARE CELL PHONE. If you would still like to get the last item from the last code, you will have to re-enter the code and buy it. I recommend entering the code for “CD3” last because it is free!
Here are the 2 PASSWORDS (10 digit number codes) for the V4.
The codes are from the Nintendo DS corner shop 2 game.
40690 89391= Playhouse
*Thank you to Zuzi for finding it.
52815 99088= Slide
*Thank you to chlemma for finding it.
tamagotchi v4.5
Yellow Lines – UraMame Family
Orange Lines – UraMeme Family
Green Lines – UraKutchi Family
Blue Lines – UraOthers Family
Top Line Of Characters Per Family – Female Characters
Bottom Line Of Characters Per Family – Male Characters
Left Side Characters – Good Care (Teenagers Only)
Right Side Characters – Bad Care (Teenagers Only)
What are the Shop-codes for V4.5?
Found by Tama-Love and Kyliesmum

(please note, codes are in the following order; Code=what it gives you=points needed to buy after first time entering in gp (gp=gotchi points))
1. BCAA CBAB= Pen= 15,000gp

2. BABC BAAA= Steak= 1,400gp
3. CAAC BBCB= !! (clone)= 14,000gp
4. BBAA ABCB= Honey (love potion)= 7,000gp
Tamagotchi V2 Jump Game
5. CCCA CBBC= CD3= 0gp
~If you enter all five shop codes, the last code you enter will not give you what the code is for! Instead, it will give you a RARE CELL PHONE. If you would still like to get the last item from the last code, you will have to re-enter the code and buy it. I recommend entering the code for “CD3” last because it is free!
The V4 codes for the slide/playhouse also work for v4.5.
tamagotchi v5
001: 07000 43194 (m) fried rice
002: 07000 43295 (m) bread
003: 07000 43396 (m) sushi
004: 07000 43497 (m) tempura
005: 07000 43598 (m) oden
006: 07000 43699 (m) soba
007: 07000 43790 (m) takoyaki
008: 07000 43891 (m) steamed dumplings
009: 07000 43992 (m) mabodofu
010: 07100 43094 (m) soup (tom yam kung)
011: 07100 43195 (m) crab
012: 07100 43296 (m) barbeque
013: 07100 43397 (m) hamburger
014: 07100 43498 (m) prime rib
015: 07100 43599 (m) shrimp cocktail
016: 07100 43690 (m) hot dog
017: 07100 43791 (m) gumbo soup
018: 07100 43892 (m) pasta
019: 07100 43993 (m) bagel
020: 07200 43095 (m) sausage
021: 07200 43196 (m) shepherd’s pie
022: 07200 43297 (m) paella
023: 07200 43398 (m) balance biscuit
024: 07200 43499 (m) milk
025: 07200 43590 (d) lollipop
026: 07200 43691 (d) donut
027: 07200 43792 (d) candied apple
028: 07200 43893 (d) dorayaki
029: 07200 43994 (d) dango
030: 07300 43096 (d) senbei
031: 07300 43197 (d) wagashi
032: 07300 43298 (d) moon cake
033: 07300 43399 (d) tapioca juice
034: 07300 43490 (d) tropical fruits
035: 07300 43591 (d) mango pudding
036: 07300 43692 (d) coconut juice
037: 07300 43793 (d) shaved ice
038: 07300 43894 (d) chocolate bar
039: 07300 43995 (d) cupcake
040: 07400 43097 (d) popcorn
041: 07400 43198 (d) biscuit
042: 07400 43299 (d) parfait
043: 07400 43390 (d) frappe
044: 07400 43491 (d) pudding
045: 07400 43592 (d) apple pie
046: 07400 43693 (d) crepe
047: 07400 43794 (d) steamed bun
048: 07400 43895 (d) sesame pudding
049: 07400 43996 (i) campfire
050: 07500 43098 (i) textbook
051: 07500 43199 (i) cracker
052: 07500 43290 (i) DVD
053: 07500 43391 (i) aquarium
054: 07500 43492 (i) disco ball
055: 07500 43593 (i) stereo system
056: 07500 43694 (i) Unchi-kun
057: 07500 43795 (i) Gotchi King DVD
058: 07500 43896 (i) girl’s dresser
059: 07500 43997 (i) paint
060: 07600 43099 (i) train
061: 07600 43190 (i) horn
062: 07600 43291 (i) bubble set
063: 07600 43392 (i) basket ball
064: 07600 43493 (i) silk hat
065: 07600 43594 (i) tennis racket
066: 07600 43695 (i) yo-yo
067: 07600 43796 (i) sandbox toys
068: 07600 43897 (i) yacht
069: 07600 43998 (t) daruma
070: 07700 43090 (t) lucky cat
071: 07700 43191 (t) Mt.Fuji
072: 07700 43292 (t) Japanese wooden doll (Kokeshi)
073: 07700 43393 (t) carp windsock
074: 07700 43494 (t) panda
075: 07700 43595 (t) koala
076: 07700 43696 (t) merlion
077: 07700 43797 (t) Chinese fan
078: 07700 43898 (t) batik cat
079: 07700 43999 (t) Statue of Liberty
080: 07800 43091 (t) Liberty Bell
081: 07800 43192 (t) space shuttle
082: 07800 43293 (t) cowboy gear
083: 07800 43394 (t) totem pole
084: 07800 43495 (t) double-decker bus
085: 07800 43596 (t) bull
086: 07800 43697 (t) La Bocca della Verita
087: 07800 43798 (t) Eiffel Tower
088: 07800 43899 (t) windmill
089: 07800 43990 (r) heart key
090: 07900 43092 (r) palette (Ciaotchi)
091: 07900 43193 (r) airplane ticket (JALtchi)
092: 07900 43294 (r) bow (Depagatchi)
093: 07900 43395 (r) book (Jidoutchi)
094: 07900 43496 (r) T-shirt (Uniqlotchi)
095: 07900 43597 (r) debit card (Nanakotchi)
096: 07900 43698 (r) computer
097: 07900 43799 (r) bottled water
098: 07900 43890 (i) magnifying glass
099: 07900 43991 (i) whistle
100: 07001 43094 (d) roll cake
101: 07001 43195 (r) Morikamitchi
102: 07001 43296 (i) watering can
103: 07001 43397 (d) creme pastry
104: 07001 43498 (i) karaoke machine
105: 07001 43599 (r) trophy
106: 07001 43690 (i) jukebox
107: 07001 43791 (m) maki
108: 07001 43892 (m) pizza
109: 07001 43993 (d) cookie
110: 07101 43095 (i) mirror
111: 07101 43196 (i) Repotchi DVD
112: 07101 43297 (m) fried egg
113: 07101 43398 (m) mushroom
114: 07101 43499 (d) gingerbread castle
115: 07101 43590 (r) pottery
116: 07101 43691 (r) cruise ship
117: 07101 43792 (r) family trip ticket
118: 07101 43893 (m) canned fish
119: 07101 43994 (d) mochi
120: 07201 43096 (d) cocktail
121: 07201 43197 (i) necklace
122: 07201 43298 (d) gingerbread house
123: 07201 43399 (i) pinball machine
124: 07201 43490 (i) lady’s hat
125: 07201 43591 (i) clothes
126: 07201 43692 (r) cell phone (Melulutchi)
127: 07201 43793 (i) noise maker
128: 07201 43894 (r) Magokorotchi
Location index
m = meal – food menu, first option
d = snack – food menu, second option
i = item – treasure chest menu, second option
t = souvenir – treasure chest menu, third option
r = rare – treasure chest menu, fourth option
Codes generator at this link http://tamacode.appspot.com/static/index.html
tamagotchi v6
Enter the Codes:
08456= Mame desk
B54523= Memetchi kitchen
C90761= Patchi bathtub
F45247= basketball hoop
T04126= Meme bathtub
Tamagotchi V2 Jump Game Download
P17377= Spiral mug
P29849= Patchi bed
P39435= Flower bathtub
P45521= Mame bed
P51011= Ninja chocolate store