Redis Tool

RDM is a GUI app available for macOS, iPadOS, Windows and all Linux flavours. Analyse your Redis ® memory usage with RDM and remove obsolete data with bulk removal. Keep it up, Redis ®! RDM supports all latest Redis ® features: ACL, Streams, Cluster, Sentinel, ReJSON module, HyperLogLog, etc. Build-in TLS, SSH and TLS-over-SSH tunneling for. Sep 11, 2014 Redis Desktop Manager is a cross-platform desktop Redis client, available for Windows, MacOSX and Linux desktops. It’s freely available under the MIT LGPL license. Like most other Redis GUIs, it allows you to connect simultaneously to multiple Redis databases or instances, inspect and modify your data and use an interactive terminal.

Streamline your Redis application development

RedisInsight provides an intuitive Redis admin GUI and helps optimize your use of Redis in your applications. It supports Redis OSS, Redis Enterprise, Redis Cloud, Amazon ElastiCache and most popular Redis modules.

Visualize and Interact with Redis databases

Scan existing keys, add new ones, perform CRUD or bulk operations. Display objects in a pretty-print JSON objects format and support friendly keyboard navigation.

Built-in support for Redis modules

Redis Tool Online

Query, visualize, and interactively manipulate graph, streams and time-series data. Build queries, explore the results, optimize, and quickly iterate with a multi-line query editor. Support for RedisJSON, RediSearch, RedisGraph, Streams, RedisTimeSeries, and RedisGears.

Memory analysis for Redis

Analyze memory usage offline—without affecting Redis performance—by key patterns, key expiry, and advanced search to identify memory issues. Leverage recommendations to reduce memory usage.

Trace Redis commands

Identify top keys, key patterns, and commands. Filter by client IP address, key, or command across all nodes of a cluster. Effectively debug Lua scripts.


Intuitive CLI

When a GUI is not enough, our command-line interface, leveraging the redis-cli, provides syntax highlighting and auto-complete and employs integrated help to deliver intuitive, in-the-moment assistance.

Administer Redis

Gain insights into real-time performance metrics, inspect slow commands, and manage Redis configuration directly through the interface.

This is the best redis admin product I've ever used!

Redis Tool Windows 10

I haven't found anything that can be improved, all the features are already present. You guys have done a fantastic job!!
Very good experience, intuitive UX, very good work
You guys make Redis tolerable. It really makes my life a lot simpler!
Your product is quite amazing! I use it many times per day :)
I LOVE being able to look up keys in the web app. Fantastic feature.
Redis tool gui
Redsmin is by far the best redis client I have used. Thank you for this excellent product!
Redsmin is so useful, I really love it. Haven't found anything close to it!
If you want to explore your redis installation Redsmin is amazing. And even works for local instances!
Thanks for Redsmin. Great product and makes using redis an awesome experience!
Redsmin is awesome, the statistic are great and super useful!

Redis Tool Download

Easiest way to manage, edit, create, delete and batch delete keys in Redis!

Redis Command Line Tool

I was actually quite impressed with how easy it was to set up for my AWS ElasticCache VPC-only connection!

Redis Tool Gui

It's nice to have such a tool available on-line and not having to install it on every machine I work on.