Toontown Online Field Office

This is my first true blog post, and the first thing I’m gonna talk about is Toontown rewritten. So, if you have not heard about what toontown or toontown rewritten is, then I’ll tell you. Toontown formally know as Toontown online is a game where you make an animal character and roam around and play games, fight enemies with weapons called gags and complete tasks. That game was in beta August 2001 and officially came out in June 2003. Was bought off by Disney early in Toontown’s life. When people think of Toontown, they think Disney because most people think Disney made it. The game also won a few awards, the last one being in 2007. Toontown recently closed on September 19th, 2013. This brings me to my point on Toontown Rewritten. Toontown Rewritten is gonna be exactly like Toontown, but the server is going to be hosted by actual players instead of a huge corporation. The connection may not be as solid, but this time, we will be more sure that the makers will take our suggestions and add them to the best of their abilities. The last update Toontown Online had that was actually something was a building called a Field Office back in 2010. Other than that, it was accessories, a street map, and small tweaks to make the game go faster. Yeah, not very updated. Toontown Rewritten will hopefully be more updated. Toontown Rewritten is currently in alpha at the moment, only people that get an alpha key can access it. But, you have to actually test stuff. There is no clue of when the game is coming out, but my guess is the end of this year to mid 2014. That’s all that I know about Toontown Online & Toontown Rewritten, see you all next post.

Toontown Online Field Office

As of the field offices, Toontown Offline has Sellbot Field Offices AND Lawbot Field Offices, for those of you who don't know, Lawbot Field Offices are owned by the Legal Eagles and there are 3 floors to this building.:tada: M U L T I P L A Y E R. To play multiplayer, you will need to host a server and set some specific settings. Disney's Toontown Online, commonly abbreviated Toontown Online or Toontown, was an MMORPG developed by The Walt Disney Company that was designed for ages seven and up. It is the subject of this wiki. First introduced in the United States on June 2, 2003, Disney had since produced versions of. Field Offices aren't released yet. I heard the Lawbot Field Office will be released also, but seriously lower the chances of a Field Office appearing. The Field Offices back in TTO clogged up so many.


Toontown Online Field Office

  • This page is solely intended to reflect the original works of Disney's Toontown Online. R/Toontown: The one-stop community for the now-closed Disney game, Toontown and all its private servers! Found this on the Wayback Machine.
  • Welcome To ToonTask! ToonTask provides an invasion tracker, a group finder, and other helpful tools for various Toontown servers. We're brand new but excited to start sharing our tools! Join our Discord server to ask questions or suggest features! Invasions Groups. Invasions Groups. Invasions Groups. Invasions Groups.

Hello Toons! This page will tell you about the cogs you will be encountering in your gaming experience. Also, it tells where to find them.

These are all the cogs in Toontown. As you complete Toontasks, you will fight these cogs.

Toontown online field office


Toontown Central (Silly Street), Donald Dock’s (Barnacle Boulevard), The Brrrgh (Walrus Way) [sometimes]


Pencil Pusher
Toontown Central (Silly Street or Punchline Place), Donald Dock’s (Barnacle Boulevard), The Brrrgh (Walrus Way)

[few] Toontown Central (Silly Street), Donald Dock’s (Barnacle Boulevard), The Brrrgh (Walrus Way)

Toontown Online Field Offices

Donald Dock’s (Barnacle Boulevard or Lighthouse Lane), The Brrrgh (Walrus Way), Bossbot 3+ Cog Building

Donald Dock’s (Barnacle Boulevard or Lighthouse Lane), The Brrrgh (Walrus Way), Bossbot 3+ Cog Building, Bossbot HQ (C.E.O Battle)

Head Hunter
The Brrrgh (Walrus Way), Bossbot 4+ Cog Building (Sometimes) , Bossbot HQ ([sometimes] Front Three, Middle Six, Back Nine; C.E.O Battle)

Corporate Raider
Bossbot 4+ Cog Buildings (sometimes/mostly), Bossbot 5+ Cog Building, Bossbot HQ (Front Three, Middle Six, Back Nine; C.E.O Battle)

Big Cheese
Bossbot 4+ Cog Building (Only Donald’s Dreamland it’s Mostly, the rest of the Playgrounds is Sometimes to Rare) , Bossbot 5+ Cog Building (Only Donald’s Dreamland it’s Mostly, the rest of the Playgrounds is Sometimes to Rare) , Bossbot HQ (Front Three, Middle Six, Back Nine; C.E.O Battle)


Bottom Feeder
[Mostly] Toontown Central (Loopy Lane)

[Mostly] Toontown Central (Lopoy Lane)

Toontown Online Field Office

Double Talker
Toontown Central (Loopy Lane), Lawbot 2+ Story Building

Ambulance Chaser
Daisy Gardens (Maple Street), [few] The Brrrgh (Polar Place), Lawbot 3+ Cog Building

Daisy Gardens (Maple Street), The Brrrgh (Polar Place), Lawbot +3 Cog Building

Spin Doctor
Donald Dock’s [rare] (Lighthouse Lane), The Brrrgh (Polar Place), Lawbot 4+ Cog Building, [mostly] Lawbot HQ (Court Yard Only) and if you got lawbot suit the CJ battle also.

Legal Eagle
Lawbot 3+ Story Building (Sometimes), Lawbot 4+ Story Building, Lawbot 5+ Story Building, Lawbot HQ (DA’s Office, CJ Battle)

Big Wig
Lawbot 4+ Story Building, Lawbot 5+ Story Building, Lawbot HQ (DA’s Office, CJ Battle)


Short Change
Toontown Central, Donald’s Docks (Seaweed Street), Minnie Melodyland (Baritone Boulevard & Alto Avenue), Cashbot 1+ Story Building

Penny Pincher
Toontown Central, Donald’s Docks (Seaweed Street), Minnie Melodyland (Baritone Boulevard & Alto Avenue), Cashbot 1+ Story Building

Toontown Central(sometimes), Donald’s Dock (Seaweed Street), Minnie Melodyland (Baritone Boulevard & Alto Avenue), Cashbot 2+ Story Building

Bean Counter
Donald’s Docks (Seaweed Street), Minnie Melodyland (Baritone Boulevard), (Few) Donald’s Dreamland (Pajama Place), Cashbot 2+ Building (3+ is best)

Number Cruncher
Donald’s Docks (Seaweed Street), Minnie Melodyland (Baritone Boulevard), Donald’s Dreamland (Pajama Place), Cashbot HQ (Train Yard), Cashbot 4+ Story Building

Money Bags-
Donald’s Docks [few] (Seaweed Street), Minnie Melodyland [few] (Baritone Boulevard), Donald’s Dreamland (Pajama Place), Cashbot 4+ Story Building, Cashbot HQ (Mints, sometimes Train Tracks)

Loan Shark-
Cashbot 4+ Story Buildings (sometimes/mostly), Cashbot 5+ Story Buildings, Cashbot HQ (definitely in Mints, C.F.O battle)

Robber Baron
Cashbot 4+ Story Buildings (sometimes/mostly), Cashbot 5+ Story Buildings, Cashbot HQ (definitely in Mints, C.F.O battle)


Cold Callers
Toontown Central (mostly Punchline Place), Daisy Gardens (Oak Street), Minnie Melodyland (Alto Avenue), Sellbot HQ (Court Yard, Factory or The VP Boss Battle, (Sellbot 1+ Building )

Toontown Central (mostly Punchline Place), Daisy Gardens (Oak Street), Minnie Melodyland (Alto Avenue), Sellbot HQ (Court Yard, Factory or The VP Boss Battle), (Sellbot 1+ Building )

Name Dropper
Toontown Central (mostly Punchline Place), Daisy Gardens (Oak Street), Minnie Melodyland (Alto Avenue), Sellbot HQ (Court Yard, Factory or The VP Boss Battle), (Sellbot 2+ Building )

Glad Handler
Daisy Gardens (Oak Street), Sellbot HQ (Court Yard, Factory [sometimes] or The VP Boss Battle [sometimes]), (Sellbot 3+ Building)

Daisy Gardens (Oak Street)[sometimes], Sellbot HQ [Sometimes], (Sellbot 3+ Cog Building)

Donald’s Dock (Lighthouse Lane) (Rare), Donald Dreamland (Sometimes), Sellbot HQ, (Sellbot 4+ Cog Buildings)

The Mingler
Sellbot HQ (Factory (Rare) or Boss VP Battle only), Donald Docks Field Offices (Sometimes) and Sellbot Buildings 3-4 (Sometimes), Sellbot 4+ Story Cog Building (Sometimes), Sellbot 5 Story Building

Mr. Hollywood
Sellbot HQ (Boss VP Battle, Factory Foreman [1 cog] ),(sometimes) Sellbot 4 Story Cog Building (Only Donald’s Dreamland it’s Mostly, the rest of the Playgrounds is Sometimes to Rare) and (Only Donald’s Dreamland it’s Mostly, the rest of the Playgrounds is Sometimes to Rare) Sellbot 5 Story Cog Building

Skelecogs [any type]
At Sellbot HQ (Factory and V.P Battle), Cashbot HQ (Mints and CFO Battle), Lawbot (D.A Offices Only), Bossbot HQ (Front Three, Middle Six, Back Nine and C.E.O Battle)

V.2 Bossbot Cog
Bossbot HQ (Front Three, Middle Six, Back Nine and C.E.O Battle)


Levels 1 – Toontown Central [Low Buildings]

Levels 2 – Toontown Central, Donald’s Dock (Barnacle Boulevard), Daisy Gardens (sometimes), Minnie Melodyland (sometimes) [The HQ’s (Sell Only), Low Buildings]

Levels 3 – Toontown Central, Donald’s Dock, Daisy’s Gardens, Minnie’s Melodyland [The HQ’s (Sell Only), Low Buildings]

Levels 4 – Donald’s Dock’s, Daisy Garden’s, Minnie’s Melodyland [The HQ’s (Sell Only), Low & Medium Buildings]

Levels 5 – Donald’s Dock’s, Daisy Garden’s, Minnie’s Melodyland, The Brrrgh (sometimes) [The HQ’s (Sell Only), Medium Buildings]

Levels 6 – Donald’s Dock’s (Lighthouse Lane, Seaweed Street [sometimes]), Daisy Garden’s, Minnie’s Melodyland, The Brrrgh [The HQ’s (Sell Only), Medium Buildings]

Levels 7 – The Brrgh, Donald’s Dreamland [The HQ’s (Sell & Cash), Medium Buildings]

Levels 8 – The Brrgh, Donald’s Dreamland [The HQ’s (Cash [yard]), Medium & High Buildings]

Levels 9 – The Brrgh, Donald’s Dreamland [The HQ’s (Law & Cash), [mostly] High Buildings]

Levels 10 – The Brrrgh (Polar Place [sometimes]), The HQ’s (except Sell), [Sometimes] High Story Buildings

Levels 11 – The HQ’s (except Sell), [Sometimes] High Story Buildings

Levels 12 – The HQ’s (except Sell), [Rare] High Story Buildings

Hope this helps! Enjoy! ~T.I.A ♣

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